About Us | We Review Everything for Your Dog

Dog Loves Best has embarked on a mission to spread information about things such as food, toys, beds, etc dogs are crazy for.

Products and Categories we Tested and Reviewed till now

Dog Loves Best has embarked on a mission to spread information about things such as food, toys, beds, etc dogs are crazy for. We also enlighten pet owners about things such as nail trimming and teeth brushing that dogs hate to do. The information is provided with the aim of prolonging the canine’s life and ensuring that it stays healthy.

The data on DogLovesBest will also help you discover new ways of strengthening the bond between you and your pet dog.

About Dog Loves Best

Mark in his own words says, “I co-founded this website with the help of another co-founder, Clara Lou because as a dog-owner myself, questions kept cropping up in my mind and didn’t know who to turn to for the right answers.

Growing up I was exposed to cats, and I still like them, but it is not possible for me to keep one because I am allergic to cat litter.

Somebody suggested that I adopt a dog instead. After Googling for local adoption information, my first pup arrived home just after a few weeks.

Suddenly, I realized I was ignorant and started looking for information online.

But the only information I was able to find was brief starter guides that did very little to throw up more information regarding our canine pals.

Though the beginners’ guides did render some help, they failed to prepare me for having my own canine companions, which by now I have two.

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About My Canines

Max, a Labrador

Max, a Labrador, was the first one I adopted.

He is hyper-active and forever looking to play a game of fetch, regardless of what time of day it is.

He is also very affectionate and cannot help stock licking me after I return home after a hard day’s work.

Max is 7 years old and there is no toy that he has not succeeded in destroying so far.

Jack, a Great Dane

When Max turned 2, I adopted Jack, a Great Dane.

Jack is a voracious eater and has ways of making it known that he is hungry and needs his breakfast or lunch.

He likes to go on long walks, where he relishes the opportunity to bark at fellow canines on street corners.

He loves to keep sniffing all the way to check if there is any opportunity to chase a rabbit.


We at Dog Loves Best advocate adopting a dog whenever possible.

Besides, key contributors to our website are always ready to volunteer at shelter homes for abandoned pets and help them find a new caring home.

Mark Daniels

Mark Daniels

Co-founder, CEO, & Dog Lover

Mark is the co-founder of DogLovesBest, a great pet parent, and a good person. He manages the content published on this website and sees to it that everything is working smoothly with a motive behind helping pet parents.

He likes spending his time with Max, a Labrador, and Jack, a Great Dane. They usually hang out at nearby dog parks during weekends.

Clara Lou

Clara Lou

Co-Founder & Animal Lover

Clara Lou is Co-founder of DogLovesBest along with Mark. They both have one thing in common i.e. to share the best of the pet-related knowledge to the audience who happen to own a pet or are planning to own one.

Clara shares her expertise and knowledge related to all the pets by contributing to another website named Pet Loves Best. Yet being a dog-person she believes in having a dedicated place for the dog parents.

Dr. Peter Thielen DVM

Dr. Peter Thielen, DVM, Veterinarian

Author & Veterinary Advisor

Dr. Thielen has studied veterinary medicine and is a veterinary advisor at DogLovesBest. All the articles on this website that has to do something with the dog’s health go under his scrutiny before getting published.

He also writes some of the featured articles on dog foods, treats, or other products, along with tips and tricks for canines for healthy living.

Peter lives with his family, which also includes two German Shepherds and two feral cats, on a farm in Gainsville, Florida, and is passionate about new ideas that can help humans improve the quality of life of their pet companions.

Martha Taylor

Martha Taylor

Editor & Dog Lover

Martha Taylor is chief editor at DogLovesBest. He has been writing for over 5 years; writing articles, product write-ups, blogs, and more for pet-related websites. Although he has experience with many kinds of pets, large and small, dogs are his true love, and he particularly enjoys writing about canine care and behavior.

Before joining DogLovesBest, Martha used to work for other pet publications. But, he started his career as a store in-charge for a pet store. Due to this, he has a wide knowledge in pet related products.

James Wilkinson

James Wilkinson

Writer & Dog Trainer

James Wilkinson joined DogLovesBest as a full-time writer with the objective of offering his insights on how to rear pets better. He shares the information through the experience he has gained over a span of 15 years working as a dog trainer.

James also used to contribute regularly to several pet publications during his career as a trainer before joining this website.

He also donates a portion of his own personal wealth to shelter abandoned animals in Gainesville, Florida and helps in finding a new home for them.

Karen Valenzuela

Karen Valenzuela

Freelance Writer & Dog Behaviorist

Karen Valenzuela is a dog behaviorist & trainer from Brooklyn, New York, and a freelancer for DogLovesBest.

Karen is so much into dogs that she decided to become a dog behaviorist since she was in Middle School, and she did it too! She pursued her career as a dog behaviorist and now she’s certified through ACAAB.

She has trained more than 10,000 dogs to correct their behavior and helped them develop a strong bond with their owners.

In her free time, she loves to explore new ways of making the pet canine’s life more interesting and also has the ability to give those ideas the form of insightful posts.

Rosa Beckley

Rosa Beckley

Writer & Dog Groomer

Rosa is a dog groomer based in Plattsburgh. She also likes sharing her insights on pet products, especially the ones used in grooming.

She also has two GSDs, Shadow and Shimba. In their free time, they often visit Plattsburgh City Beach, which is a dog-friendly site for picnics & swimming.

Ellis Alvarado

Ellis Alvarado

Writer & retd. Veterinary Technician

Ellis is a retired veterinary technician and full-time contributor at DogLovesBest. He likes writing about pet health care tips and reviews the products that are useful for fidos on a daily basis.

Ellis also guardians a Siberian husky, Nova, and a cat named Shilly. They all live happily with his wife Ammy, and both the dogs on a seaside apartment in Queens, NY.

Dwana Eckman

Dwana Eckman

Writer, Dog Walker & Pet Sitter

Dwana is our best team member when it comes to taking care of pets on daily basis. This is because she used to be a full-time pet sitter before joining DogLovesBest.

Besides contributing her precious knowledge on dog care tips and everyday-use pet products, she still does dog walking as part of her hobby in her free time.

Anna Louis

Anna Louis

Writer & Dog Lover

Anna Louis is a pet enthusiast and full-time contributor at DogLovesBest.

Anna is profoundly interested in products and services that can help to improve the quality of life of pets while also strengthening the bonding they share with owners.

She, along with her husband, is raising two Labradors and three Great Danes. Anna, her family, and the dogs live in the countryside, away from the hustle and bustle of urban Florida.

Anna and her husband also love to spend time at the shelter for abandoned animals to care for the distressed animals.