Why Is My Dog Having Accidents After Being Neutered? Understanding the Possible Causes

Your furry best friend has just undergone neutering, and you’re feeling relieved that it’s over and done with. You’re looking forward to a smoother road ahead, without the worry of unwanted puppies or behavioral issues related to hormones.

Dog Having Accidents After Being Neutered
New Africa – Shutterstock

But wait! Suddenly, your dog is having accidents around the house, and you’re wondering what’s going on. It’s not uncommon for neutered dogs to experience some behavioral changes after the procedure, and accidents are one of them.

Don’t worry, though – we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll dive into the possible reasons why your dog is having accidents after being neutered, and what you can do about it. From urinary incontinence to marking behavior, we’ll explore the different causes and provide tips and strategies for preventing and managing accidents.

So sit back, relax, and let’s get to the bottom of this potty problem!

Possible Reasons for Accidents After Being Neutered

Here are few possible reasons why a dog may have accidents after being neutered:

  • Urinary incontinence: This is a condition where a dog loses control over its bladder and may leak urine involuntarily. It can occur in neutered dogs due to a weakening of the muscles that control the bladder, leading to leakage or full-blown accidents.
Urinary incontinence
zoranm – iStock
  • Marking behavior: Neutering can sometimes lead to a dog developing a new marking behavior, where they urinate in specific areas of the home or yard to leave their scent. This can result in accidents if the dog is unable to hold their bladder or if the behavior becomes excessive.
  • Postoperative complications: Although rare, complications after a neutering procedure can occur, such as bladder or urethral trauma. These complications can lead to pain and difficulty urinating, which may result in accidents.
  • Anxiety or stress: The neutering procedure itself can be a stressful experience for a dog, leading to anxiety or stress that may manifest as accidents. Additionally, any changes in the home environment, such as a new pet or family member, can also trigger anxiety and accidents.
Dog in Stress
Aleksey Boyko – Shutterstock
  • Lack of training or reinforcement: Sometimes accidents can occur simply because the dog hasn’t been properly trained or reinforced to eliminate in specific areas. This can be exacerbated by the physical changes in the dog’s body after neutering, making it more challenging for them to hold their bladder or communicate their need to go out.

Is It Normal for Dogs to Have Accidents after Being Neutered

Neutering, which involves the removal of the testicles and thus a decrease in hormones such as testosterone, is commonly associated with temporary accident-prone behavior in dogs, something that is thought to be normal after this procedure. These hormones are also known to have an effect on a dog’s urinary system, including bladder control and their ability to signal when they need to go outside.

Following neutering, a dog’s urinary system may take time to adjust to the altered hormone levels, potentially resulting in temporary incontinence or accidents. This is especially true for male canines and could last from several days up to multiple weeks. Although not frequent, some dogs may have recurring issues with their bladders long-term.

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It is important to note, however, that accidents after neutering can indicate an underlying health issue or behavioral problem. For example, urinary tract infections or bladder stones may cause frequent urination and accidents. Additionally, behavioral problems such as marking behavior or anxiety-related incidents can arise post-neutering.

If you observe your dog having accidents after being neutered, it is essential to monitor their behavior and speak to your vet if the problem continues or is accompanied by other signs such as pain or discomfort. Your vet might suggest medication or behavioral modification techniques to manage the issue and guarantee that your pet remains healthy and at ease.

Prevention and Management of Accidents

Preventing and managing accidents in neutered dogs requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses the underlying cause of the issue. Here are some tips and strategies for preventing and managing accidents in neutered dogs:

  • Ensure adequate bathroom breaks: Neutered dogs may need more frequent bathroom breaks, especially during the adjustment period. Try to establish a routine for taking your dog outside for bathroom breaks, and be sure to provide positive reinforcement for eliminating outside.
  • Consider using training aids: Training aids such as puppy pads or litter boxes can be helpful in managing accidents while your dog adjusts to the changes in their body. Be sure to introduce these aids gradually and provide positive reinforcement for using them.
Dog Litter Box
schulzie – iStock
  • Manage marking behavior: If your dog is exhibiting marking behavior, try to discourage the behavior by providing plenty of opportunities for exercise and play, establishing boundaries, and providing positive reinforcement for appropriate elimination behavior.
  • Address anxiety and stress: If your dog is experiencing anxiety or stress, work with a professional trainer or behaviorist to identify and address the root cause of the issue. In some cases, medication or natural supplements may also be helpful in managing anxiety.
  • Consult with your veterinarian: If your dog continues to have accidents or exhibits other symptoms such as pain or discomfort, consult with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues. Your veterinarian may recommend medication or other treatment options to help manage the issue.
Dog Consultng  a Vet
4 PM production – Shutterstock


How long do accidents last after neutering?

Accidents after neutering are generally a temporary side effect and can last anywhere from a few days to several weeks. However, some dogs may continue to experience accidents long-term, particularly if there is an underlying health issue or behavioral problem.

Can spayed female dogs have accidents after being neutered?

Yes, spayed female dogs can also have accidents after being neutered. Like male dogs, spaying can affect a female dog’s bladder control and ability to communicate the need to eliminate, leading to temporary urinary incontinence or accidents.

Can accidents after neutering be prevented entirely?

While it may not be possible to prevent accidents after neutering entirely, taking a proactive approach to prevention and management can help minimize the likelihood and duration of accidents. With patience, consistency, and the right resources, you can help your neutered dog stay healthy, comfortable, and acciden

Is urinary incontinence common after neutering?

Yes, urinary incontinence is a common side effect of neutering in male dogs. It usually resolves on its own within a few weeks, but in some cases, it can persist long-term.


In conclusion, it is not uncommon for dogs to experience accidents after being neutered, particularly during the adjustment period. However, there are a variety of factors that can contribute to accidents, including urinary incontinence, marking behavior, anxiety, and stress.

Fortunately, by taking a proactive approach to prevention and management, it is possible to minimize the likelihood and duration of accidents in neutered dogs. This may involve establishing a routine for bathroom breaks, using training aids, managing marking behavior, addressing anxiety and stress, and consulting with a veterinarian or professional trainer as needed.

With patience, consistency, and the right resources, you can help your neutered dog stay healthy, comfortable, and accident-free.

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